
Harm to Harmony Online

My Harm to Harmony workshops will also be taught online. For those who can't make the in-person workshops, I will hold online versions on Tuesdays, October 3, 10, and 17 from 6-8pm. Please email me at wingateshoshanna at to register. 


Harm to Harmony Artist in Residence

Please join me for a series of three workshops on Re-storying the Future.

We'll explore themes of Hope, Resistance, and Re-Storying the Future in the context of the climate crisis. 

These workshops are my Artist in Residence project through the Conservation Council of New Brunswick and co-sponsored by The Sackville Commons. 

All are welcome to join these in-person workshops to be held at the Sackville Commons, 18 Lorne Street. 

Please note: this is a series of three workshops to be held on September 28, October 5 and October 12. 

All workshops are free to attend, but please email me so I know how many people to expect. wingateshoshanna at

*if you cannot make the in-person workshops, I will be holding online workshops as well.